Quest requirments: 36 Woodcutting, 38 Fletching, Knife, Bronze WC axe!! combat lvl 60-70+, 10mill is also required
Go to beggining training -> Talk to warrior -> Talk to archer -> Talk to Squire -> Youll be teleport to enterna -> Go a bridge (not the one streight up ahead of you but the one like i think west of that) -> When you go across bridge keep walking till u see stairs that lead down -> take off everything including bronze wc axe -> ::bank -> then when u get in there equip bronze wc axe -> then keep walking till you see a lil tree icon -> First kill a spirit tree -> then cut tree (YOU ONLY NEED 1) -> get your knife and clik and knife then that log -> Finally u made the staff congratulations!! -> teleport to fally (::Fally::) -> talk to sirawesome and ull walk u to lumbridge swamps (I think that is what its called) -> U have to give him 10mill for him to walk you!!!
RoguePirates Clan!! The only thing u got to do is wear pirate crap on non-combat skills!!! |
Red or Blue pirate costume is acceptable. |
Damon King5
Bluejay150 |